Black Phantom Calcite (Dragon Scales) -D
Black Phantom Calcite (Dragon Scales) -D
Black phantom calcite with Marcasite inclusions. Know as (Dragon Scale Black Calcite) This mineral specimen was found in the year 2024. It's from Sweetwater Mine, Missouri. This is one of those minerals that's very sought after from major collectors. The dragon Scale Calcite was found in 2019 and sold out fast. Fortunately the miners came across another pocket this year. It's one of those things, once they sell out there out. It could be years or never again be able to get these awesome Dragon Scale Calcites. This a collector grade specimen and an investment for the future. The more you look a this piece the cooler it becomes. With it's deep marcasite phantoms and its dragon scale like formations this mineral look like it came straight out of the movie Game of Thrones. Feel the power of the dragon. Not: Theirs a small little chip off one of the points, but doesn't take away from the esthetics from the crystal.